GMS PTA Presents: Learn about the GCISD Bond on March 26th at 6PM in the GMS Learning Commons! The 6th grade choir will perform, meet other GMS parents and it is child friendly! We will have treats!
9 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
Learn about the Bond on March 26th in the GMS Learning Commons at 6PM
⭐ Have you heard of the Stars of GCISD program? ⭐ If you know of a GCISD employee who always puts their best foot forward for students, nominate them for this award! Your nomination will be entered into a monthly selection for the Star of GCISD award and the nominee will be celebrated at their campus or in their department. Learn more:
9 months ago, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
Star of GCISD Award
Star of GCISD Award
Have you heard of SMART Tag? GCISD Transportation Services Department uses the Secured Mobility Authorized Ridership Technology (SMART) tag system to support student safety by providing accurate, real-time updates for students riding the bus. When parents need to know where their students are, this system provides timely updates. Learn more and sign up for the SMART Tag Parent Portal:
9 months ago, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
Congrats to our 2025 Pony Cheerleaders: J'Ceon, Quinn, Doristeen, Alexis, Rubi, Da'Riya, Nia, De'Liah, Jaqueline, Rowan, Angelina, Lacie and Zain.
9 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
Cheer Roster 2025
Welcome back ponies!On Monday- Tennis @CHHS, Girls soccer tryouts start@3:45PM, Tuesday-Honors Band Rehearsal & Boys soccer tryouts start, Wednesday- Zone Meet @M-PS, Thursday- AVID Field Trip & Parent Uni, Friday- Honor Roll Breakfast, 6th Choir festival & 7th Grade dance.
9 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
week at a glance
Next week is Spring Break! Have a fun and safe break, Ponies!
10 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
Spring Break, March 11-15
Ponies, yearbooks are still on sale! Get one before it's too late.
10 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
Picture of Woody and Buzz Lightyear.Buzz: Don't be sad. You still have time to buy your yearbook
Last night, the first community bond presentation was held at Colleyville Middle School. Community members joined us to learn more about the 2024 GCISD Bond planning process, propositions and tax rate impact. Are you ready to learn more? Our next community presentation will be held on March 26, at 6 p.m. at Cross Timbers Middle School. #WeAreGCISD
10 months ago, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
Our next community presentation will be held on March 26, at 6 p.m. at CTMS
Interested in Soccer?! Soccer Tryouts start when we get back from Spring Break. Girls tryouts are 3/18-3/22 after school from 3:45-5PM and Boys tryouts have a meeting on 3/18 @3:45 and tryouts are 3/19-3/21 before school from 6:30-7:45. Contact Coach Ward or Coach Green.
10 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
GMS Girls Soccer Tryouts
Boys Soccer Tryouts Flyer
If you have a new to GCISD student, registration is now open. For more information please see our registration page.
10 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
New student registration for 24-25 school year is now open
The 2025-2025 Transfer Application Window is now available from March, 2024 through March 22, 2024. For links to the applications please go to
10 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
The 25-25 Transfer Application Window is now open from March 4th- March 22nd
Coming up this week! Monday- Tennis @GHS, Tuesday- Track Meet @CTMS, Wednesday- AVID Field trip, Thursday- Girls Choir UIL, Friday- College Fair Day and End of 3rd NW. Sunday: Don't forget to move your clock forward an hour for daylight savings!
10 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
Week at a glance March 4th -8th
Pony Families: Join us for a delicious fundraiser at Panda Express on Thursday, February 29th from 10AM-10:30PM at the Panda Express on North Kimball in Southlake! See flyers for details
10 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
GMS PTA Fundraiser
Panda English
Panda Espanol
This week: Mon-Wed-Spring Musical Auditions, Monday Tennis @GHS, Tuesday- NJHS Inductions @5:30, Wednesday- Track Meet @Coppell HS, Thursday- GMS Cheer Parent Meeting @5:30, Panda Express fundraiser, and Counseling Parent Night @PDEC 6PM, Friday- Club day & GCISD Solo Contest
10 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
week at a glance
6th Grade Ponies: Ready to shine bright and dance?! Join us for the 6th Grade Glow Party Dance on Friday the 23rd in the GMS Cafeteria from 6 - 8 PM. Tickets on sale at lunch ($8) or at the door ($10)
10 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
6th grade glow party dance on Feb 23rd from 6-8pm in the GMS cafeteria, tickets $8 now and $10 at the door. DJ, photobooth, refreshments and more!
Join us Thursday (22nd) at 6:00pm in the GMS gym as our STEM students lead us through their STEM Cause & Effect projects. We will also have the GCISD STAR Lab in the back gym for your family to experience. Our PTA is selling concessions, so come ready for a fun, family night!
10 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
No school on Friday the 16th and Monday the 19th!
10 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
No school: Friday 16th and Monday 19th
Future Pony Parents: Tomorrow is Middle School Showcase Night for rising 5th graders at GMS. The showcase starts at 6PM in the GMS Gym/Cafeteria.
10 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
GMS Showcase Night for 24-25 rising 5th graders. Tuesday Feb 13th at 6PM in the GMS Gym & Cafeteria. Showcase includes: Meet the principal and 6th grade core teachers, learn about the special programs at GMS, Fine arts and electives for middle schoolers and course offerings
On today’s Trustee Tour, Dr. Schnautz and Trustee Dianna Sager visited Grapevine Middle School. While there, they learned more about how the school is improving their academic skills, and they got a sneak peek of the project students will present at STEM-a-palooza. They also celebrated GMS winning the GCISD Middle School Wrestling Championship. #WeAreGCISD
10 months ago, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
Dr. Schnautz and Trustee Dianna Sager visiting with Mrs. Alexander
Dr. Schnautz studying with a student
Celebrating the school's Middle School Wrestling Championship.
Dr. Schnautz and Trustee Dianna Sager talking with staff
Trustee Dianna Sager talking with staff
Dr. Schnautz and Trustee Dianna Sager talking with staff
Pony Parents -Save the Date! Come to Coffee with the Principal on February 21st @8:15AM in the GMS Learning Commons. Meet with Mrs. Alexander and Katie Wawak, the CTE Coordinator, to learn about CTE offerings & pathways.
11 months ago, Grapevine Middle School
Coffee with the Principal, Feb 21st @8:15 AM