📣 PTA Appreciation Post 📣
Our amazing PTA provided snacks for our staff the first week of school, breakfast last Friday, and dinner last night before Mini School Night. We are incredibly lucky to have these women and men in our corner, supporting us so we can do the best for our Wolves.
It's not too late to join the CTMS PTA!
Join us for TONIGHT, Tuesday, August 20, 2024, for CTMS Mini-School Night!
Purpose: Mini-school night is an opportunity to get an overview of the courses your wolf is taking, meet your wolf's teachers, visit classrooms, walk your wolf's schedule, purchase some wolf gear (cash or check), learn about and support CTMS PTA, and meet other wolf families.
What to expect: You will spend seven minutes in each of the eight classes your wolf goes to at CTMS daily. Teachers will share a snapshot of what to expect this school year in their classes.
What to bring: Wolves are welcome to join in the fun. If your wolf is not joining you, take a picture of their schedule so you can rotate from class to class.
The PTA meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. and first period starts at 6:00 p.m. Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening!
Don't worry about cooking today! Order Chick-fil-A on the mobile app and mention CTMS PTA. This is a delicious way to support the Wolf Pack!
3003 Sh 121 Frontage Rd
Euless, TX 76051
Join us for CTMS Mini-School Night on Tuesday, August 20, 2024!
Purpose: Mini-school night is an opportunity to get an overview of the courses your wolf is taking, meet your wolf's teachers, visit classrooms, walk your wolf's schedule, purchase some wolf gear (cash or check), learn about and support CTMS PTA, and meet other wolf families.
What to expect: You will spend seven minutes in each of the eight classes your wolf goes to at CTMS daily. Teachers will share a snapshot of what to expect this school year in their classes.
What to bring: Wolves are welcome to join in the fun. If your wolf is not joining you, take a picture of their schedule so you can rotate from class to class.
The PTA meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. and first period starts at 6:00 p.m. Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening!
Join CTMS PTA and support the wolf pack!
Our membership goal is 443 memberships by August 31- we can't do it without you!
Please use the link below to join the Wolf Pack PTA, Donate to the Den, and let us know if you are interested in helping out this year. https://www.ctmspta.org/login-form?r=%2Fform%2Fm%2F284703
Support CTMS PTA by placing a mobile order through the Chick-Fil-A app on August 20th between the hours of 6:30 AM and 9:00 PM. Make sure to click the "Support Community Event" before checking out to ensure 20% goes back to CTMS PTA! Mobile orders through the app can be for dine-in or drive-through!
CTMS PTA is excited to host a Back to School Social for our 6th grade students and parents (guardians)! This event is a FREE event! Please register using the QR code below. Let's enjoy some ice cream, play some games, and get to know each other!
The first general meeting of the CTMS PTA is TUESDAY, August 20 at 5:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity to see the great things happening to strengthen the Wolf Pack! All wolf supporters are welcome!
Morning Drop-Off & AfternoonPick-Up
Drop-off and pick-up occur in TWO locations: In the parking lot outside the academic halls at the C-hall door and outside the SAC. See the map below.
For the safety of all wolves, thank you in advance for driving slowly, keeping cell phones away, and staying alert and aware of others.
C-Hall Door: For drop-off and pick-up, the parking lot across from the football field is two lanes. Pull into the lane you will be exiting from, if you are turning right out of the parking lot, drop off and/or pick up your wolf in the inside lane (closest to the building) and if you are turning left out of the parking lot, drop off and/or pick up your wolf on the outside lane (closest to the football field). Also, please pull all the way up to let your wolf out of the vehicle. The doors to the school open at 7:45 a.m. and school dismisses at 3:30 p.m.
SAC Doors: This is a single lane drop-off and pick-up. The driveway is not for parking. If you need to assist your wolf, please park in a non-reserved space.
CTMS PTA Membership Drive and Den Donations
Shout out to the Wolf Pack!! We have received 265 memberships and school has not even started yet! HOWL!!
Our membership goal is 443 memberships by August 31- we can't do it without you!
Please use the link below to join the Wolf Pack PTA, Donate to the Den, and let us know if you are interested in helping out this year.
6th Grade Back to School Social: CTMS PTA is excited to host a Back to School Social for our 6th grade students and parents (guardians)! This event is a FREE event! Please register using the QR code below. Let's enjoy some ice cream, play some games, and get to know each other!"
Schedules are drafts until the first day of school. Our incredible counseling team is still working through conflicts, alternate choices, and adding newly enrolled wolves.
If you have any questions or concerns about schedules, complete the form below. The form help us keep track of the questions and requests so we don't lose anything in our email in boxes.
During first period on Wednesday, wolves will write out all their classes, room numbers, and teacher, including Wolf Time.
Get your smile ready for picture day on August 14th! That's also the first day of school for the wolf pack!
Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom announcements in the GCISD app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/guardians check your email or sms with instructions to sign up and access new features.
Howling to all incoming 6th grade wolves! Join us for Wolf Camp TOMORROW, Friday, August 9 at 9:00 a.m. See the flyer for more information.
Join us TOMORROW, Friday, August 9th for Wolf Registration come and go between 7:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. in the Silver Gym. This registration time is for 7th and 8th grade wolves. 6th grade wolf families will go through all the stations during Wolf Camp.
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
Starting on July 10, 2024, free and reduced-price meal applications were made available to fill out for the 2024-2025 school year. Families are encouraged to complete the Application for Free and Reduced-Price School Meals available online at www.schoollunchapp.com. A paper copy may be downloaded from the website or requested at any campus or Nutrition Services office.
The application will determine a child’s eligibility for free and reduced-price meals and may assist in the determination of eligibility for other state or federal benefits. Only one application needs to be completed per household. Schools will notify the household of the child’s eligibility. The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) administers school nutrition programs in Texas and offers an eligibility calculator at www.SquareMeals.org/ProgramEligibility.
Decisions regarding payment for school meals are made at the national-government level, not by the school nutrition team or TDA. The dedicated staff in Nutrition Services is looking forward to serving healthy, balanced meals to students in the new school year. If you have any questions, please call 817-251-5617 or email child.nutrition@gcisd.net.
Texas legislation has approved a 2024-25 biennium budget, which includes $3.3 million per year to cover the cost of school breakfasts for students eligible for reduced price meals. Students that are approved for reduced-priced meals may eat breakfast at no cost this school year. Lunch price is $0.40.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Solicitudes para Almuerzo Gratuito y Reducido
A partir del 10 de julio de 2024, las solicitudes de comidas gratuitas y a precio reducido se pusieron a disposición para rellenarlas para el curso escolar 2024-2025. Se sugiere a las familias completar la Solicitud para Comidas Escolares Gratuitas y a Precio Reducido disponible en línea en www.schoollunchapp.com. Se puede descargar una copia impresa del sitio web o solicitarla en cualquier campus u oficina de Servicios de Nutrición.
La solicitud determinará la elegibilidad de un niño para recibir comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido y puede ayudar en la determinación de la elegibilidad para otros beneficios estatales o federales. Sólo es necesario rellenar una solicitud por hogar. Las escuelas notificarán al hogar de la elegibilidad del niño. El Departamento de Agricultura de Texas (TDA) administra los programas de nutrición escolar en Texas y ofrece una calculadora de elegibilidad en www.SquareMeals.org/ProgramEligibility.
Las decisiones sobre el pago de las comidas escolares se toman a nivel nacional-gobierno, no por el equipo de nutrición escolar o TDA. El dedicado personal de Servicios de Nutrición está deseando servir comidas sanas y equilibradas a los estudiantes en el nuevo año escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame al 817-251-5617 o envíe un correo electrónico a child.nutrition@gcisd.net.
La legislación de Texas ha aprobado el presupuesto para el bienio 2024-25, que incluye $3.3 millones de dólares anuales para cubrir el coste de los desayunos escolares de los alumnos que tienen derecho a comidas a precio reducido. Los alumnos aprobados para recibir comidas a precio reducido podrán desayunar sin coste alguno este curso escolar. El precio del almuerzo es de $.40 centavos.
Esta institución ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.
Be a champion for your child and support CTMS by joining PTA, donating with a Den Donation, and/or volunteering! Scan the QR code below or visit our PTA Site HERE to join & donate. Your support directly contributes to our mission and helps make a positive impact on CTMS!
Thank you in advance for joining the CTMS PTA!
✏️ It's time for back-to-school shopping! Before you hit the stores, take a moment to review GCISD's dress code for the 2024-2025 school year. Check out this graphic for secondary students to make sure your student is ready for another great year: https://5il.co/2pq6z.
Volleyball and Cross Country parent meeting on from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 19! Looking forward to getting the season started!